A powerful & scalable solution for hosted email and collaboration.

Introducing MailEnable 9

Version 9 at a glance:
  • Integrated Facebook Authentication
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • PowerShell Management Interface
  • Platform managed by MMC and Web Administration
  • Faster Webmail
  • Improved Anti-Spam
  • Added Out-of-Office Start/End Times for the Autoresponder (for Outlook & Webmail)
  • International Domain Name (IDN) support and much more...

Webmail Improvements and Enhancements

Version 9 Webmail now loads at least twice as fast (achieved by increasing startup responsiveness, object caching and compression).

The Webmail client also has a fresh new style, with extra features like the time-window Out-of-Office (Auto-Responder). Users are now also able to upload multiple attachments in a single operation and can use an archiving wizard to manage large folders.

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Manage MailEnable via PowerShell

Administrators can now easily manage MailEnable with single line PowerShell commands.

It takes only one line to add a new Postoffice/Domain under MailEnable.

Here is an example:

New-MailEnablePostoffice -Domain "example.com" -Postoffice "example.com" -AdminUserName "ADMIN" -Password "pwd1234"

You can also now write simple scripts to perform batch operations across the MailEnable platform.

Other than Microsoft, MailEnable appears to be the only Windows based messaging and collaboration platform to provide this level of PowerShell integration.

The PowerShell reference has much more information and can be viewed at: http://www.mailenable.com/developer-resources.asp

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication provides users with additional security when accessing Webmail and Web Administration.

Users can optionally be challenged for an additional code when they access webmail/webadmin from a new region or IP address.
The code is generated using clients like Google Authenticator.

The implementation is quite extensive and is available at the link below:

Facebook Sign-in

Webmail users can now pair their MailEnable account with Facebook allowing them to sign-in with a single click.

This removes the frustration of trying to enter complex usernames and passwords on mobile devices.

Manage via Browser and Mangement Console

System administrators now have the option to use both the browser and/or Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to manage MailEnable services.

Version 9.5 Web Administration Filtering

MailEnable now provides native interfaces for managing messaging services via the browser, Remote Desktop and command line.

Country Code Blocking

Users now have the ability to block incoming communications from certain countries by targeting specific country codes.

This allows the user to block potentially harmful or unwanted data from suspicious sources.

Out-of-Office Start/End Times for the Autoresponder

Users can now set a start/end date and times for their autoresponder, to more accurately target a specific time frame where they want to activate the autoresponder.

This feature is available in Webmail as well as for the Outlook/MAPI Connector.

IDN Support In Administration

MailEnable Administration now provides IDN (International Domain Name) support, by converting domain names from their UTF8 representation to their ASCII IDN representation.

Greylisting SPF Exclusions by Domain

Greylisting is the most effective single mechanism of reducing spam, but its effectiveness has been limited by delaying legitimate messages (particularly from large service providers like Gmail and Yahoo!). With Version 9, domains that have SPF records can now be whitelisted by MailEnable, significantly improving the effectiveness of Greylisting.

Improved Administration

Administration has been improved on SMTP and other service abuse blocks. Users are now able to remove temporary IP blocks without having to wait for them to expire.

Administrators are now also able to see the current status of the indexing service, as the number of mailboxes to index and update are shown. Administrators can also jump directly to the mailbox location on disk with the addition of a "View in Explorer" menu item, and easily find lists, group and directory members with the addition of a filter. Administrators now have the ability to force the postoffice connector service to execute mailbox delivery events on all messages, including bulk and system messages.

Improved Smarthosting

Postoffices/Domains that are bound to an IP address can now be configured to smarthost all the outbound email for that domain to the one remote host.

EHLO Blocking

You can now specify strings for the SMTP service that will allow it to drop connections when connections use specific EHLO values.

Features Availability

The following table outlines the availability of version 9 features in respective editions.

Version 9 Features





Multi-Factor Authentication        
Facebook Authentication        
PowerShell Management Interface        
Platform managed by MMC and Web Administration        
WebMail Archiving Wizard        
Webmail Significant Speed Improvements        
Web Administration        
Web Administration (Monitoring)        
SSL and TLS Support (new for Standard)        
DKIM signing (new for Standard)        
International Domain Support (IDN)        
Webmail Out of Office Start/End Times        
Webmail Multi-File Upload        
New Message (MIME) Parser (improved speed)        
Improved Administration (features like indexing monitoring and domain/user importing)        
Content Filtering by Country Code        
Restrict Logins by Country        
Greylisting SPF Exclusions by Domain        
Improved Anti-Virus Scanning (updated integrated scanner)        
Real-Time IP Abuse Unblocking (notifies services to immediately unblock banned IPs)        
EHLO Blocking        
Outlook/MAPI Connector Out of Office Start/End Times        
Improved Smarthosting (IP bindings now support smarthosting)        
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